Welcome to my studio website! My name is Sarah Myhre Ph.D. and I am a Seattle-based printmaker and artist. I release limited-edition linocut prints and make movement art and tell visual stories about people, place, and power. Climate change and transactions of power are continuous, generative themes for me. I’m a trained climate and ocean scientist and now work in the climate and social justice movement-building space.

Much of my art is an expression of the internal work and cultivation that I find necessary to bear witness to this moment. I believe a better world is possible for us and our children. Some of my personal conviction and pain at this moment transcends words - I am rendered speechless. Printmaking, and art in general, allows me access to a well of truth and power that I don’t know how to find otherwise. I hope to give you some of that power back.

never again, Short series 1/3